$2500.00 Grand Prize
Grand Prize Categories
1st - $700.00/Plaque 2nd - $200.00/Plaque 3rd - $100.00/Plaque
Golden Croaker - Black Drum - Flounder
- Gafftop Catfish
Gar - Red Drum - Sheepshead
- Spotted Sea Trout
Grand Prize
Lifetime Fishing
Sponsored In Honor of Longtime Sponsor
Marquart of Calvin's Marine By Karen McGehee & David Marquart
Each Grand Prize Category
1st - $300.00/Plaque
2nd - $200.00/Plaque
3rd - $100.00/Plaque
Golden Croaker - Black Drum - Flounder - Gafftop Catfish
Gar - Red Drum - Sheepshead - Spotted
Sea Trout
Adult Offshore
$2500.00 Grand Prize
Each Grand Prize Category
1st - $700.00/Plaque
2nd - $200.00/Plaque
3rd - $100.00/Plaque
Amber Jack - Bonito - Crevalle Jack - Dolphin - Grouper Family - Ling - King Mackeral - Red Snapper - Spanish
Mackerel - Shark - Yellowfin Tuna - Blackfin Tuna - Wahoo
Juvenile Offshore
Grand prize Lifetime Fishing License
Sponsored by:
K&S Restaurants (Sonic)
Each Grand Prize Category
1st - $300.00/Plaque
2nd - $200.00/Plaque
3rd - $100.00/Plaque
Amber Jack - Bonito - Crevalle Jack - Dolphin - Grouper Family - Ling - King Mackeral - Red Snapper - Spanish
Mackerel - Shark - Yellowfin Tuna - Blackfin Tuna - Wahoo
All Juvenile Prizes will be awarded in the form of a US Savings Bonds
- Every participant must be registered prior to fishing.
- No participant shall begin fishing prior to 12:01 a.m. Wed., July 2, 2006.
- All participants must catch their fish with a rod and reel or pole and line. Flounder are the only fish that may be gigged.
Only Gar and shark may be killed before boating.
- All entries must have been caught from public fishing areas. THE DOW BARGE CANAL IS STRICTLY OFF LIMITS!
- All entered fish must be caught in Texas Coastal waters or adjacent federal waters (excluding gar which may be caught
in upland rivers).
- All fish entered must be caught legally according to all Texas Parks & Wildlife and Federal fishing rules and regulations.
- Fish will be checked for freshness. Spoiled, mutilated, deformed, frozen or gutted fish will be disqualified by certified
weigh-master. Fish may be gutted and examined and undigested fish however introduced, will be removed.
- The official weighing station will be located at the Freeport Municipal Park. Hours for weigh in will be Wednesday, July
2, thru Saturday July 5- 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and Sunday, July 6, 7:00a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- USCG Licensed Charter Captains, Guides and all professional or commercial fishermen or if you carry passengers for hire
you are NOT ineligible to fish this tournament.
- Family entries include husband, wife and all children 15 years and under. When children are registered under a family
entry they may only compete in the juvenile categories. Juveniles may compete only in the juvenile categories unless he or
she registers as an individual.
- Juveniles can only fish in the division they are registered in. They may not compete in both juvenile and individual divisions
in the same year.
- Any winners must take a polygraph examination if required by tournament directors.
- In case of a tie, the first fish entered will be the winner.
- If a person under 18 years of age wins a cash prize, their legal guardian over 18 will except that prize for them.
- Winners are responsible for picking up prizes within ten (10) days after the close of the tournament. After ten (10) days
all unclaimed prizes become the property of the Freeport Host Lions Club.
- Winners must also examine prizes for any irregularities and inconsistencies. There will be no exchanges or replacements
of prizes after ten (10) days.
- The Freeport Host Lions Club reserves the right to exclude anyone from this tournament.
- Tournament may be rescheduled due to inclement weather by Tournament Directors.
- The Freeport Host Lions Club and workers of the tournament may not be held responsible for any injury to persons or damage
to private property.
- Protests will only be accepted in writing during weigh in hours. Protests will be presented to Tournament Directors only.
- Decisions of the Freeport Host Lions Club Tournament Directors will be final.
- Due to health conditions all fish must be removed from the park premises and disposed of properly by fisherman.
- The Freeport Host Lions are not responsible for the payment of any cost that are associated with award prizes.
- All FIRST PLACE winners will be required to submit to a polygraph exam with in 30 days of tournament which will be conducted
by tournament examiner.
- All prize awards will have a 30 day claim period or the prize will forfeit back to the Freeport Host Lions Club.
- Rules in Hook & Line Division apply to Spearfishing except for rule 3.
- All fishing registrations qualify one for Hook & Line and Spearfishing Divisions.
- Ling must be shot in federal waters.
- There are to be no fish taken with power heads, CO-2 or SMG type guns. Only muscle loaded guns with tethered spears will
be allowed.
- Practice common courtesy to all divers and fishermen, as well as good diving procedures.
- Use of diver down flags is encouraged.
- Help in boating fish will be allowed only after diver brings fish to the boat.
- Minimum size for all fish is 10 lbs.
- Standard Diving safety rules apply as well as all State & Federal Regulations.